Fundraising with Artisan Mixes
Reasons to sell Artisan Mixes All Natural Mixes:
- Earn easy fast cash with our fundraising opportunities.
- Our Mixes are lightweight which makes it easy to distribute
- Our Mixes have a long shelf life
- Our Mixes not perishable/no refrigeration needed
- Our Mixes are healthy alternative to most fundraising events
- We provide you with everything you need
- We customized order sheets with your organization name
- You choose the types of products with seasonal flavors to sell
- Our products are affordable
- No upfront payment is ever required
- Your order is delivered free locally or shipped to you
- Simple Process - Hand out your order forms, volunteers sell the mixes, collect the funds, keep your percentage of profits, send in payment and order, deliver to your customers!
- Separated per member! All you need to do is hand them their package.
- We provide bags and "thank you" bag topper for member and customer name.
- You can make up to $2 profit each item, plus bonuses, selling a healthy delicious product everyone can use and actually wants! Call now to get started 412-969-4103